Teaching Plan for Diabetes Mellitus

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Teaching Plan for Diabetes Mellitus

Category: Descriptive Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Teaching Plan for Diabetes Mellitus
Student’s Name

Diabetes mellitus is a common type of diabetes mostly in ageing adults. Due to high prevalence among adults and children, there is a need for proper teaching for healthcare practitioners tasked with the roles of providing care to the victims. The adults can handle themselves in monitoring their glucose levels as well as glucose injection. However, as Tsiouli et al. (2013) claim, the children need someone to watch over their glucose levels and administer the glucose injection in the time of need. Health care professionals such as nurses and doctors, therefore, need to train parents on how to care for their sick children. Deciding what needs to be taught to the parents can be easy when prescribed. However, nurses need to come up with a teaching plan determining the need-to-know and good-to-know aspects. Survival skill such as physiology and administration of medication are the most important things a parent needs to know to be able to care for their children. However, eating habits such as during holidays and cooking ideas are also a necessary part of the training needed to ensure the safety of their children.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, glucose level, administration

Teaching Plan for Diabetes Mellitus
Identifying the goal of a teaching session is the beginning of creating an effective teaching plan. The primary objective is to instruct the parents on the blood glucose monitoring for their c…

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