Targeted scrum:apply mission command to agile software development

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Targeted scrum:apply mission command to agile software development

Category: Reaction paper

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 550

“Targeted scrum: Apply mission command to Agile Software Development.”

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The article by David Harvie and Arvin Agah attempts to justify that “software engineering,” and mission command are two distinct despite being in the same field. It indicates that both represent complex problem-solving in environments with ever-changing requirements (Harvie & Agah, 2016). The research of the paper emphasizes the modification to agile software developments from the inspiration of the mission commander. It, therefore, suggest why mission command will be a suitable field for drawing inspiration from software engineering. Due to the ever-changing nature, the author proposes that software engineering should be viewed as instances of complex problem-solving in the Department of Defense.

In this paper, the author has discussed the popular agile technologies, where a product is developed in a continuous release. Therefore, end products achieve the requirement of customers. In the empirical data, the paper makes good use of student surveys to assess both qualitative and quantitative processes. However, this can be disadvantageous because the experiments may be based on academic against the industrial setting. Therefore, the author could have failed since it is only guaranteed that the team met twice per week during class time. Generally, organizations that use scrum should fit and work uniformly on a daily basis (Harvie & Agah, 2016). Regarding the…

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