Summer Palace Beijing Poem

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Summer Palace Beijing Poem

Category: Problem solving

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Summer Palace Beijing Poem
Rich in culture, as well as history, is the Summer Palace,
Very few or no scenery can match this place,
Every part of the garden is amazing and from history, it can be traced,
For the natives, it looks normal but to have a site like this they are blessed,
Even though the Palace can be visited at any time, summer is the best,
Inarguably, the nation has several tourist attractions, but this one is better than the rest,
The region has a long corridor, and other aspects which our mind they recreate,
Performances and other events are conducted and all to the Chinese culture they relate,
The Summer Palace harbors one of the great cultural theatres in the country (Tang 1),
After visiting the traditional buildings, visitors enjoy sitting in this place of harmony,
The dances and other performances make all people happy,
The design and the architecture of all the sections fall naturally.
The Court sections are composed of halls, courts, and even displays,
The landscape of the Kunming Lake, makes visitors wish to have a visit replay,
The entertainment complex is made up of a magnificent structure,
All the sceneries are special since they used to be visited by the emperor,
All parts of the palace have a unique Chinese artistic value,
The precious articles available in the different courts to the royalties they attribute,
Not only is the Kunming Lake important, but also the 17-hole bri…

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