Student Response 2

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Student Response 2

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Education

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student Response
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Student Response
Every school has educational leaders with a broad vision that goes beyond their teams, classrooms, and departments in an educational setting. The first concept that stands out and which my colleague must consider is that to lead change within one’s department; a teacher needs substantial interpersonal tact and skill. Also, for the change to be successful, the educational leader in charge must establish trust and credibility with his colleagues. The second concept is about how instructional leaders can bring about change beyond their schools. The post mentions that by taking part in district-wide evaluations of teachers, presenting and recommending actions in statewide conferences, and serving on the national standards board teacher leaders can influence the academic environment significantly.
The concepts are both invigorating and innovative because applying them would result in a total overhaul of the education environment. Being agents of change both at the department level and beyond their schools are ways through which teacher leaders can demonstrate selfless service and communicate their ideas. They are innovative concepts with the capacity to boost motivational maturity and ensure that educational leaders, besides focusing on their own institutions, also put the interests of the society and nation into consideration. In so doing, the leaders optimize both development and performance (…

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