Statement of problem

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Statement of problem

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

A Statement of the Problem
A statement of the problem is applied in a research work as an item that explores the specific problems to be examined by the study. When creating a statement of the problem, the researcher should consider the gap, timeframe, impacts, and importance CITATION Rod181 l 1033 (Morgan, 2018). A researcher should consider the gap existing today meaning the pain people are going through because the gap is not bridged. The time frame should be considered and this included the place and time the problem was discovered first.
It is also important to consider the trend the problem is taking since its discovery CITATION Rod181 l 1033 (Morgan, 2018). Knowing the trend assists in knowing the extent of the problem and how to tackle it in the current and future study. Consideration needs to be made on the impacts of the problem including relating to the environment, time, cost among other factors. Lastly, consideration needs to be made on the importance of the problem under survey. It is necessary for the concerned individuals to identify how important the problem is to be able to dedicate the necessary efforts.
One of the key areas that must be covered is the purpose of the study. The part is significant since it directs the reader on the issues that the project aims at addresses and a specific statement on the research CITATION Hen18 l 1033 (Bwisa, 2018). The method of solving that particular part must be covered and is usually s…

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