Statement Goals

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Statement Goals

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Social Work

Level: Masters

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Statement Goals

Statement Goals
Why I am Interested in Social Work
My interest in social work emanates from the fact that I have always wanted to give back to the society in whatever little way I can. I believe in empowering others, especially the vulnerable teenagers through motivating or inspiring them. Besides, I have worked in volunteer programs before. I believe that I have considerable experience encouraging others to exploit their potentials to the fullest. I delight in helping other individuals make decisions that are helpful to them. I am specifically concerned with inspiring adolescents to practice responsible social behaviors, engage in constructive and meaningful activities. I encourage them to avoid destructive conducts such as alcoholism and smoking, factors that could predispose them reckless behaviors such as premarital sex, unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections. Working as a volunteer in social work will allow be to initiate a significant transformation in my community. Most youths in my community drop out of school due to early pregnancies, drugs, and petty crimes. I believe the trend is occasioned by lack of or unsatisfactory reproductive education, negligence, and inefficient lobby groups. The fact that I am of prime age could be useful in reaching out to the adolescents, relating to their situations, and identifying with their plights. I have a strong personality and the patience I believe are important in…

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