Speech Summary

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Speech Summary

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Speech Summary
Brand building involves several activities. One has to make phone calls to target consumers of the products being designed or developed to inform them about who they are, where they operate, and what product they produce, as well as a description of their business model. This helps the target markets understand the brand and its worth and identity/equity and also enables the brand to be known to the public. The brand building also entails practicing marketing activities and making a plan of how the product will thrive in the market. The brand builder has to make several trials and prototypes to identify the best strategy for building the brand to the market. Further, networking and interacting with different people and organizations, alongside conducting various interviews with marketing specialists can help gain insights into brand building and effective ways of developing a robust and attractive brand. It has also been determined that making available necessary technology, equipment, and materials can help enhance the performance and durability of the brand. For example, the storage equipment should be efficient to ensure that the brand is safe and maintained for its reliability and viability whenever consumers need it.
It is also important to consider relationship building with key players in the selected industry. Healthy relationships with different companies, indiv…

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