sin tax

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sin tax

Category: Paraphrasing

Subcategory: Economics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Sin Tax
A sin tax is a tax levied on goods and activities that are considered to be socially harmful to consumers. A sin tax generates revenue for the government and also reduces consumption due to the high prices of taxed products and services (The Economist n.p). States find it challenging to raise notable revenue from taxed items since a higher revenue is always associated with increased consumption. However, some products like alcohol are addictive and their demand may not be responsive to changes in price.
A sugar tax involves taxing foods such as sugar which is required by humans for survival. This differs from the sin tax on alcohol and tobacco since people do not need these products to live. One major concern with sugar taxes is that it affects lower socioeconomic groups the most since they are the highest consumers of sugary drinks (The Economist n.p). Moreover, low-income households are more sensitive to price changes and so are quite responsive to a consumption tax. Accordingly, their demand decreases with increased prices.
Peters and Kamp claim that the revenue collected from tobacco taxes declines over time (n.p). I think governments should not rely on this type of revenue going forward because it can result in state financial problems. Cigarette taxes decline over time and hence it is not a stable source of revenue. Generally, sin taxes cannot be used as reliable sources of revenue as they tend to reduce consumpt…

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