Shoudl all citizens be subjected to being fingerpinted before the age of 18 ? what would be the impact of such measures for criminal investigators

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Shoudl all citizens be subjected to being fingerpinted before the age of 18 ? what would be the impact of such measures for criminal investigators

Category: Exemplification Essay

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name
The question of whether juveniles should be fingerprinted has arisen many debates with seemingly a majority of the people supporting the idea. A look upon the law, however, reveals that the police departments have an implied authority under the law to record fingerprints of juvenile offenders, but there are strict provisions to keep those records inaccessible unless as authorized by the court (Kent, p. 6). However, of keen importance is the fact the law allows for fingerprinting of juvenile offenders only. Concerning fingerprinting all juveniles, the question is whether it is necessary to subject children to a practice concomitant with creating criminal databases. Additionally, gathering and maintaining a fingerprints database for all infants and juveniles presents some logistical and financial challenge (Kent, p.7). The implementation of the process would require people to report to a specific location to be fingerprinted. It is going to be challenging keeping track of the people who are already in the database and those who aren’t. The whole franchise of fingerprinting juveniles goes against the guarantee of individual rights under the constitution and the international law instruments on human rights. Minors should not be subjected to a process that was initially designed for criminals.
To criminal investigators, fingerprinting may be beneficial, but we cannot overlook the shortcomings. Maintaining a fingerprint database…

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