Shell Company

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Shell Company

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Shell Company
Shell is a leading oil and gas company which has been in existence for more than a century. Despite its humble beginnings, the company has grown to become a global leader in the energy sector, thereby, opening its subsidiaries in different parts of the world. With the increasing concern on global warming, the company is diversifying its operations to explore new sources of energy that are sustainable.
Question 1
Shell Company entered into an international business by forming a joint venture with Royal Dutch Petroleum Company. As a result, a new marketing logo was developed. The entrepreneur initiative made it possible for the company to market itself in different markets across the world. Also, the logo enabled the business to differentiate itself with the rest of the competitors in the market.
Question 2
The expansion of the business in different markets across the world played a significant role in its success. The reason is that it minimized the risks and uncertainties associated with focusing on a single or few markets. Also, the strategy expanded the revenue base by enabling the firm to venture into new and less competitive markets in different parts of the world.
Question 3
Shell’s future success is dependent on the renewable energy. With the growing concerns regarding environmental pollution, the company will have to invest heavily in sustainable energy sources. These are sources that do not pollute the enviro…

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