Shared Practice: Convergent

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Shared Practice: Convergent

Category: Process Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Shared Practice: Convergent

In a company, different methods are used in addressing problems. Most of the solutions come from the top management while others are decided on by the staff members. The choice of solving a problem largely depends on the culture of the organization and the belief in their problem-solving system. In this case, we are a milk production company. However, recently, there have been problems with one of our products that have massively received negative publicity regarding being fit for consumption. This is a problem that has to be solved soon, or the credibility of the company would be highly questioned. The problem has to be addressed through the use of both divergence and convergence methods. The basis of this problem solution is to retain the image of the company that has been spoilt through the negative publicities in the outlets. The questions below will be part of the solutions as they address the aspects of divergence and convergence. The other alternatives are also considered.
Key words; Converging thinking, diverging thinking

One of our products has received negative publicity regarding its safety and consumption. The milk that we are producing is questioned whether it is safe and best suited for our customers. This is a massive problem as it has affected our sales the concern keeps on getting spread to many of our customers. One of the sources that published the negative publicity claimed that the mi…

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