Scenario Analysis and Respons

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Scenario Analysis and Respons

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Epidemiology Scenario Analysis and Response
The most likely kind of food that is causing the illness is ready-to-eat-food related or found in restaurants and along the roads. Such include Fish and meat; their preparation is very critical in terms of their safety hence any step or procedure that jeopardizes the safe method of their preparation increases the risk of the illnesses. They are also prevalent to foodborne viruses such as salmonella, scombroid, and toxins among other foodborne viruses (McKenzie, Pinger & Kotecki 98).
The likely causative agents are biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeast among others. These agents are responsible for a wide range of epidemiological diseases such as cholera and malaria. Compared to physical and chemical causative agents, biological agents are potent causes of the illnesses (McKenzie, Pinger & Kotecki 99). Biological agents have a strong link between the human body and the physical environment which aids in the spreading of agents hence the illnesses as seen in the scenario. Most of the leading causes of the illnesses such as typhoid, cholera, and malaria are biologically related ((McKenzie, Pinger & Kotecki 99). For example, in the case of typhoid, the bacteria responsible is Vibrio cholera while in typhoid it is salmonella typhi which are perceived to be biological agents. This also justifies why the likely causative agents for the illness are biological agents an…

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