Scanning and Enumeration

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Scanning and Enumeration

Category: Personal Essay

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Scanning and Enumeration
Institutional Affiliation

Network scanning heavily and enumeration testing relies heavily on network tools and different techniques to check whether a network system or target device or system has some vulnerabilities. Scanning and enumeration are important in helping a network or system administrator determine the kind of vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers to compromise the information. Different tools have been employed to perform port scanning and enumeration each with varying proficiency level and different outputs. Incorporating port scanners in and various defensive mechanisms serve as the solution to the problem of port scanning and enumeration. In this paper, great attention is given to explain scanning and enumeration. Further, different types of scanning vulnerabilities and the techniques employed are also identified where a solution is provided on the same. Similarly, the same process is taken when exploring enumeration, providing an explanation, types of enumeration techniques and the kind of security to be applied to eliminate the vulnerabilities.
Scanning and Enumeration
Under a highly globalized environment where everyone remains to be connected and cybercrime is at its highest peak, protection of vital information is vital to individuals, public, and private organizations. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the protection that spans two important hackers’ exploitation points, that is, scan…

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