Role of Sports in the Development of an Individual and Role of Psychology in Sports

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Role of Sports in the Development of an Individual and Role of Psychology in Sports

Category: Article Review

Subcategory: Journalism

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Role of Sports and Psychology Article Critique
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Role of Sports and Psychology Article Critique
Sports is known to play an essential role in the physical aspects of an individual. However, research shows that sports play a crucial role besides the physical aspects of an individual. In the unpublished article, “Role of Sports in the Development of an Individual and Role of Psychology in Sports,” Ghildiyal (2015) examines how psychology and sports influence each other. Although the article presents significant results showing the relationship between sports and psychology, the article does not incorporate methods, procedures, and the target population of the study.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the role sports contributes to the life of an individual as well as psychology and the role psychology plays in sports. The article contends that these two variables correlate with one another. However, the article does not outline the methods used in the study to collect the information. A methodology is essential in a study because it helps to increase the validity of a research study by showing how it was undertaken. The sample size of a target population is not identified in the article. A sample is important in a study because it helps to represent as well as identify generalizable findings associated with the target population. However, the article does not identify the targe…

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