Response Post

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Response Post

Category: Literary analysis

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Response Post
The two essays elucidate issues surrounding women and how different plays portray them. The themes emanating from the essays trace back to the beginning of fictions that managed to capture the pathos of communities changing to liberate women from restrictive rules. Nonetheless, Women Fight Back advances literary works about scandalous romances in the society but hiding behind didactic, and more conservative domestic fictions. In fact, it borrows from the suffering Women from Greece Aristophanes (786) describes. Therefore, one needs to connect Women Fight Back in the first essay with The Sex Weapon in the second essay to conceptualize how women have continued to challenge the previously existing convectional standards of morality that the society imposed on them.
While the two essays succeed in defending the role of women, their oppression in the two essays only manages to create space whose boundaries are obscured. That is, the two essays just complicate the roles of gender relations. In particular, the first essay argues that “in modern times, women still finesse men.” The second essay, on the other hand, follows the same path noting that, “sex is used as a weapon because it is the main thing.” From the two quotes, the main motive of the two essays is to symbolize women as romantically frustrated people which in the real essence, only subverts the truth.
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