Research Report

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Research Report

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Research Report
In 2013, Edward Snowden copied and leaked to the word the classified information from the National Security Agency (Zajko 40). The documents revealed to the world the surveillance programs by the Five Eyes which comprised of the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The paper by Zajko examines the Five Eyes as a threat to IT security and IT security as an opposition to the programs. One of Zajko assertions is that the Five Eyes agencies are a methodical compromise of the technologies, networks, and standards being used all over the world (Zajko 42).
Cyber attacks on internal infrastructure are against the defensive stance of these agencies but align with the cybersecurity plan as defined by the Five Eyes. The cyber security plan of the Five Eyes countries is extensive in scope and has ensued along risky lines. Their purpose gives the intelligence agencies two contradictory roles of both exploiting IT systems and at the same time securing the systems (Zajko 45).
Zajko suggests the use of a comprehensive response that comprises both civil and legal reforms that separate the Five Eyes’ offensive and defensive objectives and narrows the scope of the cybersecurity plan (Zajko 49). Nonetheless, the most effective types of resistance for people and organizations to this point has been via the increased stress on IT security practices. The documents Snowden released amplified the suspicion of cybersecu…

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