Research proposal revised

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Research proposal revised

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Research Proposal: What types of research needs can be met when implementing marketing research
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
This paper is a comprehensive research of the propose question, “What types of research needs can be met by implementing marketing research?” My reasoning to selecting this topic this is the debate over DYI market research is most significant debate currently taking place in the marketing community (Hoffman, 2011).
Market Research can be used to mean a way of gathering data from the target crowd or the market to gain a deeper understanding of that target or market. The fundamental idea of market research is to help a company or a business come up with an understanding of the consumers or buyers to develop a capacity for fulfilling their needs. The process of market research is essential in gaining the ability to contend with different competitors in the same business.
It also makes utilization of scientific and factual procedures and techniques to accumulate and interpret data in a sorted out design. This procedure additionally includes a conclusion and social research and is essential in today’s necessarily complex business environment. In such a situation, organizations cannot simply depend on their intuitions to run things, and this is the reason market research is required.
Literacy Work
Haji-Basri, M., & Abareshi, A. (2015). Quality of Marketing Research: A Citation Analysis.
Journal of Accountin…

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