Research and MLA Citation

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Research and MLA Citation

Category: Editing

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

1. You’re conducting observations for an essay on working conditions in a shirt factory. Which of the following tips does your text offer for doing that effectively? 
   A. Skip taking notes since they can influence your opinion.
   B. Visit a different factory first so you can compare the two.
   C. Evaluate your dominant first impressions.
   D. Finalize your thesis before beginning your research.
2.   Which of the following items is not necessary to include in summary notes? 
   A. Complete publication information
   B. The time and date you read the source material
   C. Specific examples
   D. All the information that is relevant to your topic and purpose
3.   In which of the following situations would paraphrasing be considered both useful and ethical? 
   A. You don’t fully understand what the author is saying.
   B. You wish to make it seem as if the author’s ideas are yours.
   C. You want to use an author’s idea but don’t wish to quote the author directly.
   D. You want to change the author’s meaning.
4.   One way to synthesize information from sources is to 
   A. arrange source information according to publication date.
   B. categorize information according to your research questions.
   C. arrange source notes alphabetically by author’s name.
   D. organize source notes in terms of relevance and reliability.
5.   Which…

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