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Religious Studies

Read Scripture: Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Daniel Author’s Name Institution Lecturer Due Date Read Scripture: Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Daniel The way the book of Jeremiah came into existence is intriguing. Jeremiah respected the calling of God to compile his essays, sermons, and poems into the word of God. The book of Lamentations, on the other hand, is a compilation of poems by an author expressing complaints or grief (Camara, 2016). Daniel is equally an interesting book. The author alternates the Hebrew and Aramaic language to get the message to the people. These discoveries are enlightening as they help in appreciating the organization of the scriptures. Previously, the readings of...

Religious Studies

Religious Studies Student’s Name: Institution A review of the narrator’s description and analysis of multiple religious scriptures presents fascinating and unfathomable amounts of knowledge that enable the listener to gain new insights into religious teachings. Among the epiphanies encountered pertain to the realization that Job, a prevalent biblical character was not of Israelite origin, contrary to what most of us would like to believe. The narrator’s definition of Satan as the “accuser,” in line with the Hebrew language also proves to be new information, as it is wildly assumed that the term ‘Satan’ employs an evil approach, capturing terms such as “deceiver,” among...

Culture History and the Future

Culture, History, and Future in The Book of Ruth Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Culture, History and the Future in the Book of Ruth The book of Ruth tells the story of Naomi, the widow of Elimelech and Ruth, her daughter in law. After the death of her husband and sons, Naomi set forth to return to Bethlehem. Ruth, one of her daughters in law, pledged loyalty and insisted on traveling back with her while the others remained in Moab. Ruth was genetically associated with the people of Israel through Lot who was a nephew of Abraham. This genealogical linkage to Abraham reminds us of the promises God had made to him including to bless his generation (Genesis 17). Thus Ruth,...

Abraham and Sarah’s Bad Decisions

Abraham and Sarah’s Bad Decisions Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation Abraham and Sarah’s Bad Decisions Abraham and Sarah always endeavored to live lives that pleased God. As a man with a lot of faith in the Lord, Abraham got promised several good tidings in life. However, it is notable that even in striving to live right, a man can sway out of the required path. This case scenario is what happened to Abraham and Sarah jeopardizing their promised blessings. Firstly, they made wrong decisions when Sarah decided to lose hope in God giving her a child thus taking matters into her own hands. They disregarded consulting God on this matter. Therefore, Abraham slept with Hagar to get a...

Religion Essay

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Analysis of Rhetorical Considerations of Audience and Purpose INTRODUCTION The short story titled, “Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” was authored by the renowned Edger Allan Poe and published in the December issue of 1845 in the monthly magazine, American Review (Warlock 236). The magazine published both fictitious and non-fictitious pieces of literature whereby this horrifying story met all the requirements; entailing descriptions of disease, death, and mesmerism. Thesis Statement: The main intention of the author behind the literature is concerned with the inquisition and subsequent exploration of the inevitability of death in spite of...

Laudata Si and how it connects to revernece for creation and the Franciscan Values

NameProfessorClass4/26/2018 The Pope and the EnvironmentEveryone is an environmentalist to a certain degree; no one wants to live in a toxic waste dump. Some are more environmentalist than others, some propose radical solutions to various problems. Anyone who is Christian inherently believes that the planet should be taken care of (as we are the stewards of the Earth). Hardly anyone debates this. What people debate are the specific solutions. Should we pass laws to tax carbon emissions? Should we invest more in nuclear power? Should we invest in other forms of green energy? The Pope is a major influence in international politics. As head of...

Class 7 Religious Study

Name Instructor Course Date Answer One According to me, any person who does not have the Holy Spirit does not belong to Christ (The NIV Study Bible, Rom. 8.9). However, Therefore, for any person to be called God’s child, he or she must allow the Holy Spirit to direct their lives (Rom. 8.14). Also, I believe that the Holy Spirit plays an essential role in the life of any Christian. For example, if we allow Him to live in our lives, He will resurrect our mortal, body just as He resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead. Also having the Holy Spirit live within us makes us obedient to God’s instructions through the convictions that a person receives and not gratify the sinful nature, which...

Charter for Compassion

Name Instructor Course Date Charter for Compassion In the talk, Karen Armstrong, a TED prize, scholar, and author discusses matters relating to the Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Her central message is that the core of religion has been diverted from its duty of fulfilling a moral purpose of fostering compassion (“TED Prize wish: Charter...”). In her discussion, she notes that the concept of religious doctrines is relatively recent and mostly originated in the western societies. Before then people believed in a religion of compassion, love, and harmony. However, through her research, she realized that people are yearning for a change to revert to the old religious...


Reverence for God Name: Institutional Affiliation: Abstract Reverence to God is the most basic key that we should have as individuals, and more so Christians. This is because we are aware that it is God who holds the universe, and who holds our lives. We are also aware that He is Himself a Holy God, and requires Holiness. This piece tries to explain the key reasons why we should revere God, and why we should honor Him. It clearly states in the holy book that He so deserves respect, honor, and adoration. Thus, He already created us a responsibility of treating him with awe. This piece also shows the importance of maintaining human dignity, and social justice as part of our reverence for...