Religion in China and Japan

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Religion in China and Japan

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Construction

Level: High School

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Religion in China and Japan
Institution affiliation
This paper majors on the comparison of the religion in China and Japan. It explores the rise of Buddhism in the two countries from the ancient period. The paper covers the similarities of religion in the current and the past period in both Japan and China. The major religions outlined in the paper include Buddhism, Christianity, Traditional Folk beliefs and practices, Judaism and Baha’i’s Faith. Similarly, the paper shall show how the political influence of the past impacted on the spread of the religion and the demographic distribution. Majority of the population in the two nations are non-religious as they practice traditional beliefs.
Keywords: Comparison of the religion in China and Japan.
Religion in China and Japan
Religion is a basic way of living for all communities in the world. Every human being has a religious belief in the existence of a Creator that guides human being. In Japan, the majority of the citizens are non-religious as they practice their traditional beliefs (Blair, 2013). Some of the religions in Japan include Shinto, Islamic, Christianity, and Buddhism. China as a country also has various religious beliefs that can be categorized into Buddhism, Islamic, Confucianism, Taoism, and Christianity. China regards religion as cultural practices simply because the majority of the citizens are non-religious as they practice traditional religions. The religions that are i…

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