Questions On Human Rights

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Questions On Human Rights

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Application Letter

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Human Rights
Jack Donnelly (10) postulated that “Human rights are a social practice that aims to realize a particular vision of human dignity and potential by institutionalizing basic rights.” I have with time come to learn that so as to achieve the aforesaid dignity there are various human rights that are consistently and frequently part of our personal lives. The two that I enjoy the most is the right to Property and right to Liberty. A component of our Human Rights Code is the right to Liberty; it allows us the freedom of speech which is a vital asset in our world today. Being able to express one’s point of view without fear of arrest, confinement or even harassment is something that most individuals have fought for throughout our history and being able to enjoy it now gives me pride in how far the nation has grown in terms of human rights. Secondly, the right to own a property or right to Property is another human right that resonates well with me. It is regularly classified as a human right and states that all individuals in the country have the right to possess a piece of land whether publicly or privately regardless of their race, cultural background or even educational background. This illustrates how the constitution was formed to serve its entire people equally.
Nonetheless, there are some rights that I enjoy the least such as the right to freedom from slavery. Slavery has existed for decades now and even though a lot of peopl…

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