Quality Indicators in Specialty Areas of Interest

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Quality Indicators in Specialty Areas of Interest

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Quality Indicators in Specialty Areas of Interest
Student’s Name
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Course Title
Date of Submission
Quality indicators and the knowledge of 3p’s plays a critical role in facilitating the delivery of quality care. My specialty is dermatology, and the quality indicator that is the most essential on my side is the Prevention Quality Indicator (PQI). This indicator is hugely applicable enlightening the patients and the caregivers on the necessary measures to be undertaken to ensure that there is a reduced number of admissions. Working as a nurse requires one to strictly observe these quality measures and determine the viable solutions that will cater to the quick recovery of the patients. The 3 Ps are perfectly aligned with the PQI’s since as a nurse, I should be able to identify the successful practices that will make prevention successful. Further, policies formulated should be geared towards addressing that particular health conditions such as posting these preventative practices on websites. Finally, on the bedside, it is important to observe procedures that will result in health promotion. This knowledge is likely to contribute to the success significantly that I will realize in an area of interest as dermatology.

Keywords: Prevention Quality Indicators (PQI); 3 P’s; communication; Quality measures.
The prevention quality indicators play an essential role in nursing practice. These are some of the measures that…

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