Public Policy and Social Change

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Public Policy and Social Change

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Computer Engineering

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Public Policy

Public Policy
Public policy is a policy that a government applies in a society when it intends to bring any change in the community or regulate the current trends in the market. For instance, applying taxes on something is an example of a public policy where an entire discussion of change and people getting affecting from the strategy comes into play. It is safe to say that public policy is an instrument of social change in any society and is a determining factor of the economy in general and in specific would react in certain situations.
Public policy is a legitimate and effective way to bring a social change in a society in several ways. The purpose of these policies is to change human behavior towards something and also alter the behavioral patterns in the economic space. For instance, if a higher tax on polluting personal cars is applied, then the purpose of this tax is to discourage people from buying and driving these private vehicles since polluting the environment, and their social cost is higher than the personal cost that people have to bear.
As a result of public policies, people in an economy are prone to divert their spending or behavioral patterns that is an excellent way to influence an overall trend in the market. Whenever a market is operating at an optimal level, most things in the economy bring themselves back to the optimal point eventually. However, when a market scenario is on a less than optimal level, public p…

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