Psychology Questions

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Psychology Questions

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Trigonometry

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

From a psychological standpoint, the definition of love is based on three scales which include commitment, intimacy, and passion. Robert Sternberg, with the aim of simplifying the love aspect, used a triangle as a metaphor to depict the interdependence of the three factors (Barwick, 2017). The combinations of the elements, or the lack of it, leads to different types of interpersonal relationships. For example, in a friendship, intimacy is present, but commitment and passion may be absent. On the other hand, those in romantic love may display both intimacy and passion but fall short of the commitment. Consummate love is the most outstanding with all the three factors coming to play in the relationship.
Arguments are common in marriage. Barwick (2017) attributed these disagreements to some factors. Top on the list is sexual frustrations. One of the partners may fail to satisfy their counterpart leading to disappointments and conflicts. Also, financial challenges cause arguments among couples. Women expect men to provide; nevertheless, some men cannot avail enough cash, and this causes the frustrations. Although in-laws play a central role in marriages, disagreements are bound to occur if one partner tends to favor in-laws from their respective families. Other causes of arguments include; failure to meet the set expectations if the wife is a poor cook, uncleanliness from either partner or adultery.
Two people are said to be in a codependent relationship if one of the pa…

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