police carding (canada)

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police carding (canada)

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: War

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Police Carding in Canada
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Police Carding in Canada
Police carding as it is popularly referred to is the process in which the police service is required to gather information from the public without following any specified procedure. It is formally also referred to as Community Contacts Policy. The process implicates the Toronto Police Service to conduct random checks on its citizens that include; gathering of information from people by asking questions and stopping them with no particular offense that the individual has committed (Sewell, 2010). Additionally, this collected information is then stored in database systems for unspecified future use.
Apparently, this information collected contains an individual’s details including race and color as well as their location and family information too. It is said to be mostly conducted on black people as well as people of different races, and the information can be stored for a period seven years. The police claim that it is a way of inhibiting criminal as well as terrorist activities due to the reason that, in this error, no country is safe from the frequent attacks that have been seen conducted by criminal offenders all over the world (Sewell, 2010).
However, activists claim that this activity is an orderly infringement of the privileges of individuals especially the youth. It also undermined the general society’s trust and trust in the police service and along these lines weakened open…

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