plant-based food diet

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plant-based food diet

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Individuals who seek to adopt healthier eating patterns emphasize the consumption of whole ingredients that minimize the use of processed foods (Tuso et al. 61). Plant-based food diets are considered whole in nature and are vital in the improvement of wellness. A plant-based food diet can be defined as a foodstuff that is derived primarily from plant sources and includes grains, legumes, pulses, meat substitutes such as soy, fruits, and vegetables. Nuts, seeds, and oils are other sources of plant-based food sources. The purpose of a plant-based food diet is to help individuals prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and other health problems that arise from the consumption of animal and products. Excessive intake of animal products such as red meat contributes to obesity and diabetes as well as high blood pressure. Plant-based meals are therefore usually recommended as part of lifestyle change with the aim of attaining wellness and other benefits such as weight loss and improved metabolic functions.
People can apply the plant-based food diet in their lives depending on their nutritional and lifestyle goals. Consequently, before applying a plant-based, an individual must consider his or her dietary requirements and ensure that the plant sources consumed will provide all the essential nutrients in their appropriate amounts (Tuso et al. 61). Nutritional information is vital in the provision of …

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