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pico format

Category: Critical Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student Name
In a broader perspective, PICO refers to a framework that is used in the nursing environment for the purpose of identifying and answering clinical and health associated problems. ‘P’ stands for a patient, people or problem, and incorporates the characteristics of the patients, or population to be considered. ‘I’ stands for intervention, which involves monitoring the patient to the diagnosis. Comparison simply refers to the alternative treatment for the intervention, and lastly, outcome refers to the intended or potential outcomes. This essay demonstrates how PICO is used in the covering depression amongst the adolescents. Information thereon is derived from a journal, whose link is provided in the references section.
In this aspect, P, or population refers to adolescents, who according to the article, are in the age gap of between 10 and 24. As the research established, this population incorporates boys and girls. The rates of depression are higher in poor income families as compared to better-income families (Thapar, et al., 2012). Intervention for this problem involves various aspects. The most workable features include frequent exercises, counselling among other aspects. However, antidepressants can also be used in instances when the above-mentioned interventions do not work effectively. Therefore, depressions play the role of comparison, since they can be used instead of counseling and exercises. Lastly, the expected outcome, i…

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