Pick a theory of obesity

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Pick a theory of obesity

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Nutrition and Diet

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Theories of Obesity
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Theories of Obesity
Society needs to acknowledge the increasing occurrence of obesity as a health crisis. Obesity is associated with severe medical conditions such as low heart rate which can later cause death. Moreover, obesity is linked to low-quality life and reduced, particularly in children. Despite the increased dangers of obesity, the incidence rates have been increasing over the years causing the public health officials to consider it as a health crisis. Current studies have strived to explore the various theories that explain the cause and solution of obesity. People have laid different theories about the causes of obesity. Some individuals associate obesity with the psychological and social factors. Others believe that people are responsible for maintaining a healthy weight. An investigation on the lay theories of obesity would help the policymakers to gain a better understanding of the causes of overweight and the probable measures to address the issue. The discussion explores the aspects of causal theories in explaining the causes and solutions for obesity.
Keywords: Obesity, Lay theories, causal theories, Overweight
People depend on the narrative structures like analogies and extended metaphors to comprehend the complex issues such as obesity. In our case, obesity is linked with seven narratives that capture the diverse casual beliefs about overweight (McFerran & Mukhopadhyay, 2…

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