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Concept Map Discrimination Chatman

Employment Law Fall 2018 (online) Concept Map Discrimination in the Workplace Objective: (1) Apply the Disparate Treatment Prima Facie test to a hypothetical set of facts; (2) Analyze a hypothetical situation to determine if discrimination in the workplace may exist. Instructions:Work through the given hypothetical to determine the employment status of the individual. On the vertical lines, indicate the test criteria (here, the Prima Facie test outlined in the “Disparate Treatment in Hiring” box, page 78 of the textbook). On the horizontal lines, apply the facts to that criteria. (You may not have something on EVERY line.) After applying the facts to the criteria, make your...

Summary hospital Revised

Summary Student’s name Institutional affiliation Abstract The article addresses the importance of EHR in hospitals. Electronic Health Records are digital versions of patients’ records that can be retrieved with the help of a computer. The world is being transformed by the advancement I technology and hospitals should start keeping up with the pace. Medicine is an enterprise rich with information and technology will provide a platform where all the information can be shared within a healthcare infrastructure. Hospital organizations should be aware that adopting and implementing HER will lead to the following benefits; increased patient care, improved coordination in patient care, minimal...

DB2 Assessment Instruments

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date DB - 2 Assessment Instruments QUESTION 1 1A. The Assessment of leadership relates to the evaluating of different aspects that constitute the main principle and definition of leadership (Hynes 67). Using the results of these assessments holistically can determine the efficacy of the leadership talent prevalent both in an individual and preside in an organization. Primary vision is a cardinal similarity amongst all the various forms of assessments available in the market. However, differences amongst the diverse array of assessment instruments reside in the manner in which they obtain results from the aforementioned aspects of leadership. For...

The Range of topics is in the instructions (writers choice)

Gender roles Name Institution Introduction Gender refers to various meaning, beliefs, and characteristics that are attached to different sexes. When talking about gender, the value of masculinity and femininity is emphasized based on social valuation as indicated in Blackstone, (2003). Gender roles are constructed socially by how individuals interact with themselves and their environment. Based on the sex of each gender roles are created making the aspect a social construct, since it is established on a social ground, during interactions in the environment as shown by Blackstone, (2003). So Gender roles are the duties that male and female are expected to perform based on their sexual...


A) The primary sensory region is responsible for receiving the incoming sensory information. The primary somatosensory is responsible for receiving the input related to pressure, touch, pain, and varying temperatures. The primary somatosensory is located in the postcentral gyrus. Primary sensory regions are arranged into accurate maps of the human body. For instance, the primary somatosensory cortex has an exact link that corresponds to contralateral sides of the human body, for example, the last and third fingers of the right hand send sensory information to adjacent regions of the left primary somatosensory cortex. The same case is true for the primary auditory and visual cortexes, has a point...

Answer the following questions, using at least one scholarly reference (and a corresponding in-text citation)

Human Bones and Skeletal Health: Questions and Response Paper Name of Student Name of Institution The body has approximately 206 bones. You are asked to explain how nutrition and activity can affect bone health. What are some of the long bones that are found in the upper and lower extremities? Among the long bones found in the body include the femur and tibia; these bones are the usual ones that receive the most weight of the load carried by the body (MCC, 2010). The growth of these bones could be accounted for to have come from endochondral ossification which is usually controlled by the growth hormones which is the secretion empowered by the pituitary gland. What are 2 examples of types...

Create a handout answering the questions listed.

Cor Pulmonale Name Institutional Affiliation Cor Pulmonale Chronic lung diseases that lead to Cor Pulmonale Chronic lung diseases and disorders that cause an acute shortage of oxygen in the blood can lead to Cor Pulmonale (Emmanuel, 2003). Some of these chronic lung diseases may include cystic fibrosis, obstructive sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and chronic blood clots, especially in the lungs. Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition characterized by pauses in breathing due to inflammation of the air cavities in the respiratory system. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease refers to a lung condition associated with difficulty to exhale normally, that causes a...

Answer the following questions

Q1. Peroxisomes are spherical organelles that are found in all animal cells (except the red blood corpuscles) and various plant cells. These organelles have a diameter ranging from 0.2 to 1 micrometer and contain a different types of oxidases. Oxidases are enzymes that utilize molecular oxygen to metabolize organic compounds. The end product of oxidase action is hydrogen peroxide, which is a reactive oxygen species. Peroxisomes also contain an enzyme called catalase, which degrades hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Fatty acid oxidation also takes place in the peroxisomes. However, the energy released during such oxidation is converted to heat, and the acetyl groups are transferred to the...

This essay examines the relationship between health and psychology

The relationship between health and psychology Student’s name Institution Introduction Psychology is the study of human mind and how it works, the study focuses on how it affects one's behavior. On the other hand, health is a complete state of social, physical and mental wellness and not the absence of illness or infirmity. The relationship between health and psychology can be inferred from the above definition. When one is not mentally healthy, the resultant behavior could be categorized as a psychological problem. This paper is going to focus on post -traumatic stress case, which is classified under mental disorders. Post-traumatic stress is a mental condition as a result of experiencing...