Physics of Flight

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Physics of Flight

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Physics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Physics of Flight
The Four Forces of Flight
A force is a pull or a push that acts in a direction that is specific. It is also a vector quantity, which means that it not only has magnitude but it also has a direction. This is one of the primary reasons why forces are typically described by direction and magnitude. Flight entails a process through which an object is capable of moving beyond or through the atmosphere. This has been possible due to four major forces in the process of flight, which are Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag (“The Four forces,” N.d).
To overcome the force of its weight, the plane should generate an opposite force that is called the lift. This is usually produced by the airplane’s motion through the air and is termed as the aerodynamic force. Interestingly, the force is directed toward the direction of flight in a manner that is perpendicular. This force’s magnitude is dependent on the size, velocity, and shape of the airplane. Most of this force is produced by the wings, and it typically acts on the center of pressure.
This is the force generated due to the air resistance towards the plane and is usually directed in opposition to and along the direction of flight. Just like lift, different factors like shape, velocity, and weight generally affect it. Furthermore, this force acts on the center of pressure.
This is a type of force that is generated by the propulsion system to overcome the forces of …

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