Phillip Meyer “If Hitler asked you to electrocute a stranger, would you? Probably.”

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Phillip Meyer “If Hitler asked you to electrocute a stranger, would you? Probably.”

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Environment

Level: Academic

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

“If Hitler asked you to electrocute a stranger, would you? Probably”
This paper seeks to prove that human beings have a flaw that points to the tendency to obey authority without question. The answer is evident in the chapter by Phillip Meyer, “If Hitler asked you to electrocute a stranger, would you? Probably.” Naturally a person will ignore the idea that he or she has some weaknesses. It is not common that a person will talk about his or her deficiencies. The reality that everyone has a flaw that is dismissed in most cases is what Meyer reveals by using a study carried out by Stanley Milgram.

The study was carried out primarily to establish obedience levels of the participants. The effect of discipline was also a major concern for the social psychologist in performing the study. Initially, he intended to provide evidence to show that Germans were different from Americans. The hypothesis that would be tested was that Germans have a fundamental weakness revealed in a willingness to obey those in authority without questioning. This would be achieved by carrying out the study in new Haven in the United States and German to compare the results. Also, the researcher carried out the study to mimic the Jews’ execution during the Second World War by using comparable conditions of authority, stress, and obedience. In his essay, Meyer assesses the results of this study (Einwohner, 533).

In the entire book, Meyer reveals critical skills and competence in applying logical appe…

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