persuasive communication

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persuasive communication

Category: Process Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Persuasion Principle of Commitment (and Consistency) in Influencing Co-Workers
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Persuasion Principle of Commitment (and Consistency) in Influencing Co-Workers
Change is never easy. But in our world of business change is essential and inevitable. Particularly in our organization, we are experiencing numerous challenges. It is paramount we derive ideas on how to tackle the problems heads on. It is of my opinion we form a work group to try and solve the various issues we are experiencing in our day-to-day running. The workgroup mandate is to identify and solve problems within this organization. This change is an opportunity for us to understand the broader functioning of this organization. The reason I am proposing this idea is to request for your commitment and consistency in this endeavor. We will value and put into consideration both positive and negative feedback. Let everyone feel free to articulate their ideas. It is essential I get your commitment individually this early so we can plan. Am banking on this principle of commitment as it is interpersonal. Its influence is practical, genuine, and direct (Gass & Seiter, 2015).
Probably we are asking ourselves how this workgroup will add value? The group will aid to identify the various problems within this organization. The group will also offer multiple ideas and solutions to these problems. Subsequently, this will ensure everyone’s work become easy. A smooth flow of information from top…

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