Performance Critique

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Performance Critique

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Film and Theater

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Class Name
Project 3 Performance Critique
The live play was a performance by Floridance and known as One Night’s All We Got (Floridance 1). The performance was significant to the society since it comprised a mixture of dances that exhibited diverse celebrations and ideas. Notably, the individuals acted as directed which made the performance to be generally efficient and at given points ingenious. Ideally, the live play transitioned smoothly especially from a single set of dancers to the other. It was apparent that all the people taking part during the play production had rehearsed in advance.
The mastery of art in the production is unique to pass the points across effectively. For example, the production decided to have the narrator to introduce all the set of dancers before the start of the live performance. The performance featured diverse forms of entertainment especially as the dancers spoke which made the live play grow efficient. The theatre streamlined the production which enabled the audience to collect some background information concerning the performance before it started hence making every performance of meaning a lot to the audience.
The acting was top notch since the dancers seemed prepared and worked together. The directing ensured the consideration of the best performers including enhancement of the chemistry during the cast. The lighting made the dance movements to match the serious and dark music tone…

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