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Category: Persuasive Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

PC Or Mac
PC or Mac
An individual who is shopping for a computer has two fantastic software platform options PC and Mac. Although, the lines are blurred between the two since they have the same processing capabilities. The main difference between Mac and PC is in their architecture. Given the difference in architecture, it is challenging to choose between the two computers. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that the choice between Mac and PC is solely dependent on the user requirements.
The most appropriate manner of differentiating between PC and Mac is that they both have a very diverse way of thinking. Both computers can be used to achieve a similar goal, but they utilize different techniques. For instance, closing a program on a PC that has Windows installed involves clicking on the “X” button at the corner of the program window, but for Mac, the “X” button closes the program window, and the program continues running. For Mac, the user has to click on the program name on an active window and then “Quit” to close the program (Alani, 2015). The reason for the fundamental difference between the two computers is that Mac uses the Mac OS X operating system and the PC uses Windows OS.
Another significant difference is that a PC can run on the Mac OS X but the Mac cannot run on a Windows OS. Furthermore, the two computers have different hardware whereby Apple manufactures the Mac and PCs are produced by multiple companies such as …

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