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Assessment Updated

DISCOURSE ANALYSES Name Institution State, City Instructor Course Date Discourse Analyses The following part analyzes the six discourse phenomena that exist in the world of communication. Different discourses have different concepts that users and the society can relate to their daily activities. Understanding the essential attributes of the discourse implies that users will have clear guidance on the reflective language. They provide a platform upon which better understanding of concepts and lecture content can take place. The six discourse phenomena in the discussion include: Lexical Chains Phenomena Lexical chains refer to words in a sequence, which span short or long distances....

bad decisions

Bad Decisions Studentโ€™s Name: Institution: Decision-making is a cognitive process which comprises of different thinking styles. Depending on the resources required, amount of obtained information and the degree of analyses, there are three different categories of decision-making. These are non-analytical, unaided analytical and aided analytical (Paluch, 2012, p.10, para.2). Through the decision-making process good and bad decisions are made, but it is the bad ones that cost the business and the involved parties heavily. According to Andersen (2013, para.2), these bad decisions arise due to the decision makers lack of facts relevant to the issue, disregard for the input of other involved...