Organizing and Drafting Using Your thesis statement and evidence from journal 3

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Organizing and Drafting Using Your thesis statement and evidence from journal 3

Category: Capstone Project

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Methods of Essay Organization
Thesis statement; The type of social platform a company use determines its effectiveness in attaining its marketing objectives. For this thesis, the most preferred method of organization is most-to-least or least-to-most order. Other books the technique is referred to as the order of importance. As per the nature of my thesis and topic of interest, this is the most suitable method of organization. The method is ideal for persuading, ranking items based on their importance, and illustrating a problem or a solution. The essay intention is to demonstrate how social media can be used effectively to have maximum impact. It is paramount to arrange the supportive evidence from least to most important to build the momentum of the essay. A straightforward organization helps bring clarity to the article. It also aids the reader to make a clear connection between the thesis and supporting evidence.
Introduction Paragraph 1
Broad statement, one or two sentences that will define social media and the discipline in general. Provide statistics on social media advertising
Necessary background
Thesis statement. The type of social platform a company use determines its effectiveness in attaining its marketing objectives

Body Paragraph 2
1stsupporting evidence
Different sites attract different demographics (Ashley,115)
Correlation to the thesis
Body Paragraph 3

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