ophthalmology fellowship in surgical vitro retinal disease

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ophthalmology fellowship in surgical vitro retinal disease

Category: Personal Statement

Subcategory: Medicine

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

When I was young, I watched my daddy’s vision decreasing day by day because of diabetic retinopathy without me doing anything to help him. First, he was able to drive on his own. Then he could drive only in the daylight and after that he could not drive at all. He reached a point when he couldn’t do his daily activities. It was at that point when his whole life changed. He changed from independent man to dependent. He needed someone to take care of him every day. That’s what made me sad and initiated the spark inside me. I promised myself that I will help anyone like him and the entire community and my country at large to decrease the disease incidences and its complications.
I achieved part of my goals when I joined the medical school and the ophthalmology residency program. Day by day, my passion and interest grew more. I started attending retina clinics and visited the operating theatre to attend retina surgeries. I participated in the social media awareness accounts in many ophthalmology topics including diabetic retinopathy and its complications, and the need and importance of early screening.
It became my goal to seek and invest my time and effort to improve my knowledge and the required clinical and surgical skills through this fellowship to meet my personal ambitions and community needs.
I could not think of a better institute to start pursuing my goals than King Khalid Eye Specialist Hospital due to its renowned excellence surgically, academically and …

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