Online Resource.

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Online Resource.

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Ecology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name
Online ResourcePurpose of the Site
The site contains information regarding child abuse and neglect. It defines the term Child Abuse and Neglect and explains the signs that can be used to identify that a child is facing both or either of these two issues.
Further, the website emphasizes the significance of the problem. In doing so, it provides statistics and data that indicate the extent of the issue in society. Risk factors that are likely to increase the chances of a child facing neglect or abuse are explained (Child Welfare Information Gateway 2). This includes the most common perpetrators of these acts and the effect that the problem might have on the society at large and the individual children and parents. Possible resultant fatalities have also been explained. The site has also gone ahead to explain the protective factors that can be effective in reducing the risks of abuse and neglect among the children. This site provides information about child abuse and neglect and the ways the problem can be reduced or eliminated.
Resources Available to Social Workers in the Site
Social workers in the site have been provided with information that could be of importance in supporting their operations. Some of the resources that have been provided by the state include directory App, guides and manuals, list of organizations related to the state, foster care and adopting, directory and adoption assistance by the state (Child …

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