Note book/ Poetry/description/theme/Idea

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Note book/ Poetry/description/theme/Idea

Category: Process Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Internet

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
In “Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robison, the speaker narrates the story of a man who looks perfect from the outside. The man is rich and has good looks which make the town envious at him. The girls want to be associated with him, but one knows about the troubles he is experiencing in his life. Eventually, Richard commits suicide in the last lines of the poem.
Edwin depicts the theme of diverse versions of reality and isolation. Every individual view the world from diverse perspectives. The town people claim that Richard has all the elements one would want in life. This is because he is rich, friendly and has good looks. Edwin says, “In life, we thought that he was everything…” (Schwiebert 672). Additionally, he states that Richard was “clean and imperially slim” (Schwiebert 672). This statement indicates that people would want their life to resemble that of Richard. However, Richard has a different view on reality to the extent that he commits suicide at the end of the poem. Furthermore, the narrator of the poem lets us know that Richard had all things. Nevertheless, he does not tell us if Richard had family members. Probably, if Richard had family members, he would not have killed himself.
The main idea of the poem is that the inner lives of people are critical. Despite having everything in life, the inner life can result in unhappiness and isolation which in turn leads to…

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