National Security Threats

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National Security Threats

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Consumer

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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National Security Threats
Terrorism and terrorist groups are the primary national security threats facing the United States. The Islamic extremist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda have a 24-hr online presence where they spend much time recruiting innocent and unaware individuals. Online recruiters identify isolated individuals or get people isolated then they attack their weaknesses and radicalize them (Gellman 32). A majority of times these people are lonely and enjoy the attention of ‘brothers and sisters.’ The extremist groups use their recruits and sympathizers to launch attacks on American soil in the name of their groups (Aaronson 32). Since the tragic 9/11 terrorist attack, the FBI has prioritized counterterrorism through informant recruiting and preemption.
Preemption, otherwise known as prevention or disruption is whereby FBI agents identify and neutralize latent ISIS sympathizers and recruits before they act. Consequently, FBI agents and informants focus on both active jihadists, and several law-abiding citizens. The FBI is tasked with identifying those who may be willing to commit to the extremist’s agenda by providing either the means or the opportunity. At times, the government supplies the plot, the means, and the opportunity (Aaronson 33). In short, the US government is actively laying traps for sympathizers and potential recruits and prosecuting them once they take the bait.
In conclusion, the strateg…

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