Modern Feminism revised

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Modern Feminism revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Architecture

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Modern Feminism
Institutional Affiliation

Modern Feminism
Feminism though criticized in all corners is central to the social, economic and political transformation in global societies. Women around the world have conventionally been considered weaker gender and have been made to believe that their priority is taking care of their children and husband. There have been common phrases such as “motherhood bliss,” and that homemaking is fulfilling and exciting. In that regard, many women have been subjected to emotional and psychological torture as they are reduced to basic chores and responsibility. It is not until recently that women have taken up major societal roles in politics, legal, and economic sector. However, women continue to have some of their rights unfulfilled. Modern feminism delves into the intricacies of the contemporary realities of labor equality and violence against women.
Modern feminism is all about empowering women to have control of their ambitions, desires, and entitlements without being dictated by men. Two main features form the central part of modern feminism. One of the features is the division of domestic labor. Women traditionally were linked to housing chores and kitchen duties while their male counterpart is linked to outside the house chores. Given this, men were entitled to education while women are expected to submit to their women fully in most of the global cultures. In the modern society where women are entitled to education an…

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