Memo #1 Culture’s Impact on Communication

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Memo #1 Culture’s Impact on Communication

Category: Literary Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Accounting

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Culture’s Impact on Communication
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
September 22, 2018
To: Danny Leon
From: Liam McKenzie
Subject: Culture’s Impact on Communication
Contact Information:
Culture forms part of the aspects that govern the way that people interact, think, and behave. It entails various layers related to customs, food, celebrations, and arts. Countries have specific native cultures that often vary across regions. It is worth to note that cultural connotations may render some behaviors as usual and others as strange. Cultures have rules that its members must observe. These guidelines usually result in biases linked to the cultural imprinting that begins at an early age. Cultural differences impact communication as people from different backgrounds cannot respond in the same way.
Layers of Culture:
High Context Cultures
Civilizations related to Asian, African, and South American countries are described as high-context cultures due their high regard for collectivity and society. Concepts of intuition and harmony are essential in these societies. Since they value context more than words, non-verbal aspects of communications such as eye behavior and body language are esteemed aspects of communication (Piroşcă, 2016). Since culture influences behavior, it is a critical element of communication, especially in the business world. When doing business with foreigners from high-context cultures, formality …

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