Meaning of the poem

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Meaning of the poem

Category: Term paper

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Meaning of the poem
In the poem, the speaker or the poet prepares the reader to achieve eternal peace as well as contentment in life. The poet encourages the reader that, for one to experience such harmony and contentment; he has to go through all the obstacles and wilderness that exist in the ideal world. The speaker argues that when one undergo such challenges and difficulties as well as tuff times in life he cries out to God asking, “Where are you, God.” He also cries to the Lord when he feels alienated. The poet needs an assurance from the Lord that he is with us because he is God, who will not forsake us.
The poem employs the use of several stylistic devices to achieve the ultimate goal. The relevant aspects of this poem include; rhyming scheme, meter, word choice, imagery and metaphors among other devices. Some of the relevant aspects of this poem have been discussed citing relevant examples as well as supporting arguments as follows.
Analysis of the poem
The first aspect of the poem is the Imagery. The poet uses the word chariot figuratively to mean something else other than the literary chariot. When the poet says, he came out from the chariot. We can interpret this statement as when the writer came to the world. The image used because the literal language would be graphic. Therefore, the poet uses the imagery to communicate effectively without using graphic language. A chariot is an image that the writer adopts to impart the dash as well as tenderness to his lite…

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