Life Goals

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Life Goals

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Professional

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name
Life Goals
Every human being has life aspirations or objectives that he or she desires to achieve. Notably, it is quite impossible to accomplish all goals at a go. Therefore, it is essential for one to have a timeframe through which he or she intends to achieve a particular purpose (Chapter 10). Fundamentally, although it is advisable to set the goals in order of priorities, some go in handy such that one cannot sacrifice one for the other. For instance, spirituality is a life aspect that is attained at any stage of growth. In short, spirituality is a short, mid and long term goal. Essentially, I have specific goals that I would wish to accomplish during my life. They are divided into three categories, short term, mid-term, and long term. The short terms goals are social, love and health. I hope to achieve socially whereby I can meet with friends when free regardless of my other obligations. I loathe the life where career and family responsibilities fully occupy one to the point that he or she becomes anti-social. Fundamentally, love and spiritual are crucial as well. Both fall under those goals that are continually fulfilled throughout a person’s life.
Mid-term goal is career. I wish to have a fulfilling career whereby my efforts are recognized and appreciated. I fully understand that working on what I like is the best and fulfilling part of any job. Therefore, I would like to achieve that personal satisfaction. I als…

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