Library E-books and users’ rights and privacy

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Library E-books and users’ rights and privacy

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Aviation

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Library E-books and Users’ Rights and Privacy
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Service delivery which is one of the core principles of any library establishment should be guided by ethical values so that the information needs of patrons can be addressed effectively without bias. Therefore, while librarians may have professional responsibilities and know-how to provide efficient and effective library services, they should and must be guided by the code of ethics in this profession. It is very crucial for library patrons to have access to information services that will help them to meet their different information needs. However, they must be guided by the appropriate ethics and must abide by their professional codes of ethics. Great levels of awareness and appropriate perceptions of ethical issues by library personnel will go a long way in enhancing the delivery of library services, and consequently, this will project libraries as institutions committed to supporting good values and virtues. This paper examines the awareness and perception of the information privacy ethical issue in delivering library services.
Libraries serve as significant sources of information for the society, and they are guardians of the public’s access to info. They tend to influence the lives of people as well as the consciousness of the public/society by providing information. The dawn of the digital world has changed how the libraries provide information and how the pub…

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