Land Restoration

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Land Restoration

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Geology

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

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Chesapeake Bay Land Restoration
Land restoration is an ecological restoration process of a site, habitat, water body or natural landscape to make it safe for plant communities, wildlife, marine life and human beings. The site may have been destructed by natural causes such as desertification or by the activities of human beings such as deforestation, mining, and pollution among others. Many sites across the world have undergone restoration so that they become useful to human beings, wildlife, and plant’s life again. Chesapeake Bay Program is one such successful land restoration program in the United States. It involves regional partnership to carry out restoration of the bay. It brings about members of different states, academic, federal and local watershed institutions to create and adopt programs and policies that support the restoration of the bay. The Chesapeake Bay is located between Maryland, Virginia and the Atlantic Ocean.

Site history
Population growth, development, hydrological modification, overfishing and nonpoint pollution has seriously affected the Chesapeake Bay in the last two centuries. In the period 1970-1980 a strong political support from state and federal government, stakeholders, scientific knowledge from research and academic institution and the general public prompted the Chesapeake Bay to be the first estuary to be targeted for environmental restoration and protection.
Cause of Impairment &am…

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