kpmg accounting firm

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kpmg accounting firm

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: Accounting

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

KPMG accounting firm
KPMG is a professional organization, dealing in auditing alongside PwC, Deloitte and EY. The company is headquartered in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, and currently employees 162 workers. Their lines of services include advisory and tax and auditing. The company’s advisory and tax segment are divided into other four service operation groups. The company’s name was desirable from the merger between Peat Marwick and Klynveld Main Goerdeler. All national KPMG’s operate as independent legal entities, and are members of the KPMG International Cooperative, which is a Swiss entity. KPMG International made changes to their legal structure from the commonly known Swiss Verein to form a cooperative which was in accordance with the Swiss laws in the year 2003. Under their new structure, the cooperative has a mandate of offering support duties which are similarly provided by other networks. The firms independently serve their clients to ensure limited liability for other independent members.
KPMG’s history goes back to the year 1870, after William Barclay Peat started operations in London as an accountant and named it William Barclay Peat & Co in the year 1891. In the year 1877, Thomson McLontok started an accountancy firm in Glasgow while Piet Klijveld started his accountancy firm in Amsterdam, which was later merged with Kraayenhof which led to the formation of Klynveld Kraayenhof & Co. in…

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