introduction and conclusion

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introduction and conclusion

Category: Proposal Essay

Subcategory: Geometry

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Communication Pattern of the Japanese Culture
With different culture comes different communication patterns, this article’s aim is to prove this by use of the Japanese cultures of communication pattern in comparison to other foreign cultures, Americans in particular. The Japanese tend to avoid communicating with people of non-Japanese culture. Studies have shown that the Japanese people feel uncomfortable speaking to westerners of even similar social status as themselves. The Japanese people feel this way because they not only feel that the foreigner style of communication highly different from there’s, but also that they are similar to the high-born Japanese families. The difference gives them a disliking character towards communicating to westerners and tend to avoid it
Japan is an island country isolated from its neighbouring countries having the closest continent coast being 180km. The country having being locked out from the rest of the world restricted the Japanese from exchange culture with other people. The period of isolation between the years 1640-1854, the Japanese formed rules and codes of communication uninfluenced by other cultures bringing about its unique pattern. The first encounter with non-Japanese speakers was during the end of the 19th century. They have been forced to learn how to speak foreign languages that they are not comfortable with given that there choice of lang…

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