International relations (Europe), Universities (Higher Education)

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International relations (Europe), Universities (Higher Education)

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: Education

Level: PhD

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

[Name of the Writer]
[Name of Instructor]
European Universities and English Students
The intake of international students in universities has increased dramatically over the last two decades. However, the students have taken part in different activities that includes traditional study abroad programs in which the student has much better chances of learning about different cultures along with having an understanding of higher education considering unfavorable circumstances in their home country. A developing trend of English students has been observed which reflects enhanced motivation of students to pursue their undergraduate studies from European countries. Nevertheless, the European countries offer students with diversified perspectives for students that include better fees structure together with the enhanced educational curriculum. Besides that, the research would also focus on the primary motivators and inhibitors that would affect students’ outlook for studying in European universities. The students are presented with English curriculum as well as foreign language as their language of instruction.
With the passage of time, social and economic lives have become much more globally challenging and connected because of the enhanced degree to engage, connect and prosper on an international scale (Daly and Barker 26-41). Countries all around the world are forging agreements and connections for enhancing trade along with fa…

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