Immigration restriction

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Immigration restriction

Category: Paraphrasing

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Immigration Restrictions Discussion
Historically, nations have imposed restrictions on immigration based on xenophobia–the fear of alien or “other” cultures–or to protect political, economic, or ethnic dominance. Modern restrictions place more emphasis on the economic and social effects of immigration. According to the United Nations’ International Migration 2017 report, 3.4 percent (258 million) of the world’s population was living outside their native country in 2017. International migrants constituted 14.1 percent of the populations of high-income nations.
When faced with source material which I want to use to support my writing, I state the facts said and contributed my ideas according to the relevance of the facts being said. This follows the correct logic and conclusions. When writing, in-text citations and footnotes are used to show ideas which are not the author’s ideas. Giving credibility to the correct author, and acknowledging that the borrowed work is theirs helps the reader in knowing which part of the work is not the authors. Generally, the author’s ideas are not attributed to any other author. When quoting or paraphrasing, one has to acknowledge the author, right before paraphrasing or after; sometimes one can start with “and I quote”; to show direct quoting of another person’s work.
Immigration restrictions started in 1981 to control the population of the U.S. With time, we see how they became serious w…

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